Facilitating Instruction
Enabling faculty to continue to teach effectively in a virtual environment - by increasing support, leading training, and adding new tools for lecture capture, exam administration and hosting discussions and study sessions
Expanded Canvas Support
A contract has been established with Instructure, Canvas’ parent company, to help handle the influx of support requests from faculty. OIT staff members are providing local support, and 99% of spring quarter lecture courses had a Canvas space set up.
Leading Instructional Continuity Plan
An educational continuity team is meeting frequently to discuss how to support faculty and students. Briandy Walden is the co-lead with OVPTL leadership and is helping to coordinate needs across the Canvas/EEE, CTS, ILS, Help Desk and licensing teams for a singular plan to sustain the teaching and learning activities on campus.
An educational continuity team is meeting frequently to discuss how to support faculty and students. OIT's Briandy Walden is the co-lead with OVPTL leadership and is helping to coordinate needs across the Canvas/EEE, CTS, ILS, Help Desk and licensing teams for a singular plan to sustain the teaching and learning activities on campus.

YUJA Support
Yuja use grew sharply as the campus shifted to online instruction.
Yuja Media Bandwidth (Gigabytes)

Yuja Course Sessions Captured

"Just a quick note to say I'm really impressed with the Yuja video system. I know [OIT] put in many hours of work to get the system up and running, and [working] to transition panicked instructors. Kudos to your team as a whole."
Adrienne Williams, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Teaching, Developmental and Cell Biology

We quickly enabled the Zoom integration with Canvas at the start of remote instruction. The Zoom integration lets instructors schedule synchronous online lectures directly within Canvas. It also allows students to view upcoming online lecture times as well as access any cloud recordings of previous sessions.
Remote Proctoring and Test Monitoring
In time for Winter finals, we implemented Respondus Lockdown Browser + Monitor as optional tools for instructors who want their online exams remotely monitored. Since the campus moved to remote instruction, more than 60,000 exam sessions have been monitored with Respondus

Canvas Training for Faculty
Since the campus moved to remote instruction, OIT has offered instructors training on Canvas via seven webinars. These sessions have been enormously popular and have helped us connect with more than 500 people so far.
"The OIT staff was very efficient in helping me address a number of problems that arose during my quick transition to Canvas. Thanks very much!"
Larry Cahill Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior
Expanded VCL Software Repository
Multiple software packages were installed on our Virtual Computer Lab with only a day’s notice to make applications available from off campus. In addition, OIT worked with leadership to get 200 additional VCL instances online the day before we got the word that campus would be going remote for finals and spring quarter. Staff moved with efficiency, in coordination with other departments, to allow as seamless a transition to remote classes.